HR Blog

HR Blog

Good Reads for Recruiters

Even us tenured and weathered recruiters like to keep up on trends, the market, or any ideas that keep our minds fresh, give us tools to help you the hiring manager, or sometimes simply for some levity. Here are some interesting reads. I find it very helpful to learn from other points of view and…
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What? You Mean I Need a Recruiting Process?

What? You Mean I Need A Recruiting Process? “What? A Recruiting Process? You think to yourself…Do you mean I need one of those?  I just post an ad on an employment search engine, interview some folks, and hire someone. Is that what you mean?” Whether you are a company of 5, 50, or 500, without…
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Six Reasons You Need to Plan Ahead for Successful Hiring

The job market is booming, the economy is slowly growing, and people are happily employed, or so you think. The recent news from the Labor Department is that the current unemployment numbers are at the lowest since 1969 making this a tight job market. Traditionally during the summer season, people are more focused on vacation…
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How Tight is The Labor Market?

by: Kimberly Kenner Excerpts from Jeff Koklo, Chief Economist at Indeed According to Kolko the U.S. labor market is unusually stretched, but there are a couple of caveats. The unemployment rate is 3.9 percent, the lowest level in 17 years. Another measure that shows how many people are looking for jobs compared to how many…
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Candidates Want Training!

by Kimberly Kenner Speaking with candidates I am hearing a lot of questions about mobility, job training, and company culture. Candidates are flipping the traditional interview process and conducting their own interviews and background checks before and during the job search period. With information so readily available online and the ability to easily connect with…
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Job Description vs. Success Profile

by: Kimberly Kenner   Can you envision your ideal recruit? Will they fit your profile of success? What is a Job Description? What is a Success Profile? Job Description Definition: A job description or JD is a document that describes the general tasks, or other related duties, and responsibilities of a position. It may specify…
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The Art of Human Connection®

by: Kimberly Kenner It’s a tough market right now for recruiting. All of our clients say they’re struggling to find talent. The Federal government considers “full employment” when the unemployment rate is below 6%. We passed that mark four years ago in July of 2014! As of March of this year, Orange County’s unemployment is…
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Finding Candidates – Part One of a Series

Depending on your specific requirements and preferred attributes that were developed in the success profile can help determine where to find candidates for your particular opening. Use the specific Success Profile to guide your content and write an advertisement to be used to post your position. Include the most important details, the must-haves, even the…
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