HR Blog

HR Blog
2023 Theme

2023 The Year of Curiosity and Radical Acceptance

Happy New Year!  January is the start of new beginnings. Of course, I do not have to tell you about making resolutions because before the new year every ad, social media post, and person you were chatting with wanted to know what New Year’s resolutions you were making. Instead of creating resolutions, I set an intention…
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California Employers and the IRS Business Mileage Rate for 2023

The IRS business mileage reimbursement rate recently increased to $0.655/mile on January 1, 2023. Often employers want to know if they should automatically increase their own reimbursement rate to match this rate. While the quick answer is probably yes, we want to provide some background and information to help you with your decision. There is…
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The Show Must Go On!

If you read my newsletter, you know I love all things baseball and hockey and incorporate a lot of examples of teamwork that I see and read about in my column and my daily work. I always seem to find examples of collaboration and teamwork wherever I am. Or perhaps because I keep an open…
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On-Boarding Programs for New Employees Are Vital

Congratulations, your company is expanding! You are building your team and hiring the right people who add value to the business and fit your company culture. Everything is great… except everyone is too busy to train the new person, uses company acronyms and abbreviations without explaining what they mean, or does not give the background…
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