
The Recruiting Journey Through the Art of the Human Connection®

Part 2 in the series

By Kimberly Kenner

Screening Resumes

The screening process is critical in a successful search process. It should be planned, completed carefully by someone who can read the actual verbiage on the resume; to see what is on the resume and perhaps more importantly what is not listed. It is difficult to screen effectively no matter how skilled you are if you have not created the Success Profile (SP).

  1. Before you start, review the SP, and make a note of the key areas to identify on the resumes.
  2. Read the resumes and determine if the applicant had the opportunity to do the job you advertised and do they have the qualifications that your company requires to perform the job? Or do they have the potential to step up to the position?
  3. Separate the resumes as you go along. Yes, and No. (There are more details next month).
  4. Notes; try to do this when you have lots of energy and do not judge a resume on missing information. Missing information can become a follow-up question during the initial screening.
  5. Take the yes resumes and review one more time. During the review make additional notes of any questions that you may have on each potential candidate.
  6. Hopefully, you now have some potential candidates to follow-up with.

Vetting candidates can be time-consuming and occasionally overwhelming to managers who are already trying working long hours in their “normal” job. The Ethos team is here if you need additional support, or are not sure you have the right questions. Our recruitment team is experts in recruiting and interviewing and can source your candidates.